Monday, November 14, 2011

A New Beginning

Very satisfactory or acceptable. That's all I want. Someone recently asked me what I wanted out of life. Not necessarily in terms of financial fortune or gain, but just a general observation of what it is that makes me tick. What keeps me looking forward to the ultimate goal. Finally, after two days of deliberations, I've decided that it's just complete satisfaction that I want. I want things to be, quite frankly: copacetic.

So, I've decided to join the millions of people who have turned personal blogging into hobbies, some even into obsessions, and will attempt to chronicle my life and quest for a copacetic life right here in front of your computer screen. Maybe in five years I will be able to look back and see a general progression toward satisfaction. Or maybe I'll see that things have spiralled mercilessly out of control.

For those who know me, the fact that I've chosen the written word as my tool of expression is no surprise. But, I'm sure the public display of sharing comes as a bit of a shock. Although not at all shy and nervous, I've always kept my own personal feelings and events rather private. It may take some getting used to on my part, but I think I'm finally prepared to open up and share with anyone willing to read.

I haven't yet decided what the parameters of this blog will be, but over time readers will meet my family and friends and a host of hundreds of other people that I've come to know over the years. Many people have told me that I tell some of the funniest stories they've ever heard and I will share some of those here as well.

First though, I would like to give a thanks to a person I've never met. His name is Ian Williams and his blog Xtcian has sort of been the inspiration for me to begin my new blogging career. I recently read an article in an old edition of Carolina Alumni magazine about bloggers and stumbled across Ian's blog. Since then I've become a faithful reader, not just of his site but of bloggers in general. Now, I've decided to offer myself and musings for all the world to see as well. Thanks, Ian.

1 comment: said...

Hi Wayne,
I ran across "A funny thing happened on the way to Thanksgiving dinner" today and I loved it! Great story and thanks for the laughs!

It's All Good- Until You Burn Dinner